Meet Ioannis Xiarchos – Parking Control Officer/Shift Lead – Parking Services

Position: Parking Control Officer/Shift Lead for Parking Services
How long have you been in this position and how long have you worked at McMaster overall? I have held the role of Parking Control Officer for 16 months, and for about 10 of the 16 months, I have been the Shift Lead for Parking Operations. In total I have been at McMaster University just over 2 years.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I am a husband and father. I enjoy listening to music, spending any free time with my wife and son and going to my second home which is Greece.
In 3 sentences or less, describe your job and the best part of your job. The best way to describe the job is this, my coworkers and I are the face of the franchise. We are the first faces our students, guests and faculty see in the morning and the last faces they see when they leave. The best part of the job is knowing we have helped an individual find their way and knowing we gave them the best customer service possible.
What is your favourite quote and why? “My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” – Abraham Lincoln. Why is this my favourite quote? it’s simple, we all fail at some point in life. It’s a matter of what do you do after that. Do you take note of it and be resilient to achieve that goal or do you simply give up? I was that person who would just give up, but not anymore. Failure isn’t a bad thing, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. Failure is a blessing, a blessing with great rewards!
What is your favourite thing to do when you’re not at work? Being a Husband and a Father. My Wife and Son are my world! Spending time with them is what I look forward to, even if the little guy wakes up at 3am or my wife gives me the honey do list!
The Division of Operations and Finance has identified the core values that run through all of our work: curiosity, accountability, quality, empathy, teamwork, inclusiveness, and integrity. Please tell us which value means the most to you and why, and any work you are doing that embodies or speaks to the value. Within the Parking Operations department all of them are extremely important. However, quality and teamwork are the keys to this department. Quality because we are based on customer service, that is what we do. Provide exceptional customer service to all who come to or visit the campus. Teamwork because we support each other, whether it be fixing a gate arm that has fallen off or dealing with a difficult situation. From the intercom to the outside staff, we must all be working as a team and on the same page.
What is a piece of advice you would give to someone embarking on their career at McMaster University? McMaster University is wonderful place to work and learn. The people here are from all over the world which makes it even more welcoming and warm. Lastly, this is something my parents taught me: “No matter where you work, whether it’s a small business or a big corporation, always treat it like it’s your own.”
Employee Excellence, Parking Services